ah yeah - there you go, well remembered Ciaran 'convex hull' was the search
term, from the same thread Grahame fuller did that in ICE only - won't take
you long to rebuild from the image description  Lawrence ;)


as you can see the gift wrapping algorithm is not so easy !

On 5 September 2012 11:55, Ciaran Moloney <moloney.cia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds like you want a convex hull of the null's points. Pretty sure there
> was a compound once, if not you might try Mr. LaForge's Convex 
> Hull<http://frenchdog.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/happy-2012/>ICE node.
> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> yeah I dont think there was ever a nulls2mesh - nulls2points easy and
>> vertex2nulls yes :)
>> for a clean topo the point position array is easy as you have that, its
>> just the description of each polygon, or the order of each vertex in every
>> polygon - how is this to be made?
>> if the desired mesh is pretty simple shape you could try starting with a
>> simple surrounding geometry and in ICE moving points to the nearest null
>> On 5 September 2012 10:56, Lawrence Pankhurst <lp3ds...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Nice clean mesh would be good, it's a one off so I might just do it by
>>> hand, just thought it would be a useful tool to have and it would exist
>>> already (sure there used to be a script)!!  Polygoniser takes the nulls but
>>> gives blobs rather then a single mesh!
>>> Thanks for looking though!
>>> Cheers
>>> Lawrence
>>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> oh! ICE topo should be able to do this,  :)  but not sure how you are
>>>> to build the polygon description from a set of random positions!?  not so
>>>> easy
>>>> what kind of mesh are you after? if its not just a regular clean
>>>> topology then you could simply put all nulls into a group and use the
>>>> global.kini.pointpositions to feed into a polygoniser mesh.
>>>> hth
>>>> On 5 September 2012 09:17, Lawrence Pankhurst <lp3ds...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I thought I remembered a nulls2mesh script knocking about, can't find
>>>>> it anywhere!
>>>>> I've got a set of nulls and want to turn them into a mesh, ie position
>>>>> of each null becomes a vertex in said mesh!
>>>>> So anyone now where the script is or is there an ICE tool?  Had a look
>>>>> on http://rray.de/xsi/ but couldn't see what I was after!
>>>>> Any help appreciated.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Lawrence
> --
> - Ciaran

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