Hey Rob,

You're linking to a private url for your Gmail pointing to an attachment.
Can't do that. It's unusable for everyone else.

Can you get the image and attach it to your email or put it on
http://imgur.com or some other image upload site for us to see?


   -- Alan

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com> wrote:

> ah yeah - there you go, well remembered Ciaran 'convex hull' was the
> search term, from the same thread Grahame fuller did that in ICE only -
> won't take you long to rebuild from the image description  Lawrence ;)
> https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=3bf826a559&view=att&th=12f698c5d63caa9d&attid=0.1.0&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-vyaBOEqzPxsaMIRCb2anD&sadet=1346842977331&sads=6GL42IzMUakN2KC52Ld4_NbnUKM&sadssc=1
> as you can see the gift wrapping algorithm is not so easy !
> On 5 September 2012 11:55, Ciaran Moloney <moloney.cia...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Sounds like you want a convex hull of the null's points. Pretty sure
>> there was a compound once, if not you might try Mr. LaForge's Convex 
>> Hull<http://frenchdog.wordpress.com/2012/01/05/happy-2012/>ICE node.
>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> yeah I dont think there was ever a nulls2mesh - nulls2points easy and
>>> vertex2nulls yes :)
>>> for a clean topo the point position array is easy as you have that, its
>>> just the description of each polygon, or the order of each vertex in every
>>> polygon - how is this to be made?
>>> if the desired mesh is pretty simple shape you could try starting with a
>>> simple surrounding geometry and in ICE moving points to the nearest null
>>> On 5 September 2012 10:56, Lawrence Pankhurst <lp3ds...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Nice clean mesh would be good, it's a one off so I might just do it by
>>>> hand, just thought it would be a useful tool to have and it would exist
>>>> already (sure there used to be a script)!!  Polygoniser takes the nulls but
>>>> gives blobs rather then a single mesh!
>>>> Thanks for looking though!
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Lawrence
>>>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Rob Chapman <tekano....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> oh! ICE topo should be able to do this,  :)  but not sure how you are
>>>>> to build the polygon description from a set of random positions!?  not so
>>>>> easy
>>>>> what kind of mesh are you after? if its not just a regular clean
>>>>> topology then you could simply put all nulls into a group and use the
>>>>> global.kini.pointpositions to feed into a polygoniser mesh.
>>>>> hth
>>>>> On 5 September 2012 09:17, Lawrence Pankhurst <lp3ds...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> I thought I remembered a nulls2mesh script knocking about, can't find
>>>>>> it anywhere!
>>>>>> I've got a set of nulls and want to turn them into a mesh, ie
>>>>>> position of each null becomes a vertex in said mesh!
>>>>>> So anyone now where the script is or is there an ICE tool?  Had a
>>>>>> look on http://rray.de/xsi/ but couldn't see what I was after!
>>>>>> Any help appreciated.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Lawrence
>> --
>> - Ciaran

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