The problem is the light type. Switch to an area light, and the hot
speculars will go away. Lights without area mess with physically-based
shaders, and such shaders have to deploy hacks to get around lights without
any area because they are not physically correct.

If switching to an area light with a very small area is feasible, give it a
go and the speculars will go away.


On 26 October 2012 21:00, Eric Lampi <> wrote:

> I'm using the arch shader, the problem highlights are from a spec only
> infinite light set to rgb 1,1,1 and .75 intensity. Reflectivity is set to .7
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Gene Crucean <
>> wrote:
>> What kind of spec/reflection values are you using on the shader?
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Eric Lampi <> wrote:
>>> OK, I was afraid it was something like that. Well, thanks for the tips
>>> everyone, I was hoping it could be done in comp.
>>> I don't have very hot values on my lights, reflection cards or
>>> environment, but I'll have a look at the advanced shader, seems like the
>>> clipping option is what I need.
>>> Eric
>>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Ed Manning <> wrote:
>>>> Are you lighting with ibl or do you have an HDR environment for FG
>>>> lighting?
>>>> If you have small ultrabright light "sources" in the HDR, they are very
>>>> hard to sample accurately and your higlights may get 'fireflies."
>>>> Some things to try:
>>>>    -  make the illuminating HDR very low resolution, and use the
>>>>    Env_blur node to smooth it out.
>>>>    - use a color_basic node as a clipper on the HDR -- set the
>>>>    operation to "minimum," plug the HDR into one input, then set the other
>>>>    input color to the highest value you you can.  If you have serious
>>>>    problems, that may be R,G,B=1, but that would make your HDRI no longer
>>>>    HDR.  2 or 4 would at least represent 1 or 2 stops over white.
>>>>    - do the same thing with the surface shader that's giving you
>>>>    trouble, or use Felix Geremus's mia_architectural_advanced shader which
>>>>    include a clipping option.
>>>> ed
>>>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Eric Lampi <>wrote:
>>>>> Having some issue with EXRs, specifically pixelated highlights.
>>>>> Initially I thought it was an anti-aliasing issue, but the same frame
>>>>> rendered result as a Softimage pic doesn't have that problem.
>>>>> Can someone tell me how to deal with this in either After Effects or
>>>>> the FXtree?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Eric
>>>>> --
>>>>> Freelance 3D and VFX animator
>>> --
>>> Freelance 3D and VFX animator
>> --
>> Gene Crucean - Emmy winning - Oscar nominated VFX Supervisor / iOS-OSX
>> Developer / Filmmaker / Photographer
>> ** *Freelance for hire* **
>> ~~ Please use my website's contact form on for any
>> personal emails. Thanks. I may not get them at this address. ~~
> --
> Freelance 3D and VFX animator

3D Artist/TD @ The Mill, London

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