Hi Ciaran,

That would work for polygons individually, but Simon seems to be
asking about polygon islands (so multiple polys per island.) That's
quite tricky to get via ICE alone without scripted help.

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Ciaran Moloney
<moloney.cia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dive inside the turbulence compound and replace any instances of
> pointposition with polygonposition. Also, swap polygonindex for point ID.
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 12:21 AM, Simon van de Lagemaat
> <si...@theembassyvfx.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> A while ago I asked how to assign random attributes to polygon islands and
>> I've recently revisited that task and used a couple of methods using the get
>> array minimum technique.
>> Currently I'm just assigning purely random values using a random value
>> node which has my custom poly island indices plugged into it.  What I'd like
>> to do is find a way to drive each islands value via a worley noise or
>> turbulise node so I can get a more patterned, less random change to the
>> values from island to island.  The issue is finding a way to sample the
>> noise at one point for each island and I'm not sure how to go about that.
>> If you have any ideas or could point me to something I'd love to hear from
>> you.
>> Cheers.

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