Thanks Alan
Even though I think this solution using clusters would be interesting and
probably easier to setup ill try to use your method.
Couple questions though:
1. The object to cluster constraint doesn't seem to constrain to polys,
only points, am i missing any option here or I need to constrain to a point
then offset it manually?
2. I have 140 braids and each poly-stripe has 8 polygons, obviously the way
to go here is using scripting, just wondering if you have or know a plugin
or script to do this process of creating a null for each poly

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Alan Fregtman <>wrote:

> Years ago I rigged some braids to deform by low res poly strips. There is
> a simpler way. Cage is overkill.
> You could constrain a null per polygon (cluster) and turn on all the
> options (in the Constrain->Object to Cluster constraint) so it locks to the
> poly orientation well. You can then use those nulls as an envelope for your
> proper mesh. The default weighting with Envelope->Smooth Envelope Weights
> and some minor slider fiddling will work pretty much perfect.
> You can also build the poly constraint in ICE kinematics too, if you like,
> though you won't see any improvements as ICE only excels when
> iterating/multithreading over a big dataset
> Of course you can build your own cage deform — the factory "Hull
> Deformer" isn't very good — but you will find out soon enough that it
> doesn't interpolate and although your geo will follow, it will only bend as
> nice as the number of divisions in your low res stripes, forcing you to
> increase them, but then what's the point, right?
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
>    -- Alan
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Nuno Conceicao <
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys, have a problem here that havent found a solution yet.
>> Problem:
>> Basically I want to do a special cage deform where I have several braids
>> of hair being deformed by a simple simulated mesh of low res stripes.
>> My problem is when i want to transfer the animation from the low res mesh
>> to the high res, where the high res braids get badly deformed by the low
>> res cage because basically they dont know how to split properly since they
>> are very close together and where a single hi res braid can be intersecting
>> one or two different lowres.
>> Possible solution:?
>> So I thought the solution could be in separating each braid by a cluster
>> in both the high res and low res cage, then somehow change the hull cage
>> deformer to filter by clusters.
>> The issue here is that i can filter the location by cluster on the high
>> res mesh, but i dont know how to just pick the equivalent locations per
>> cluster on my lores cage deformer.
>> Does this make sense? Or maybe am i being silly and there is a simpler
>> solution?

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