That's an awesome idea. Maybe start by asking users to send in their most 
useful customizations or personal compounds etc to a public collection on 
si-community or rray?

Most of us tend to keep those kind of things privately, but we shouldn't... 
Anything which makes the Softimage community as a whole more productive will 
advance the interests of anyone who wants SI to thrive/grow/not be declared a 
damn particle system lol.

Our competition is the maya community who we want to win over to soft, not each 
other, after all.

I'll put my $ where my mouth is and start sharing "personal good stuff" that I 
find useful on my blog. :D

BTW that list is fantastic

On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:33 AM, Jason S <> wrote:

> In the same spirit of this thread,  
> would it be conceivable (with the accordance of the authors)
> or what would you guys think of some kind of a 
> "SI Power Tool Master Addon Collection Essentials" thing ?
> Would it slow down (X)SI or startup times?
> Would it be hard to maintain/update?
> Would XSI become too cluttered?
> Perhaps 1 per dicipline? (1 Modeling Pack, 1 Rendering Pack)
> What do you think?
> Cause I think it would be the next best thing 
> to actually having certain things factory.
> And the fact of having some things "standard", 
> can also help alot in the usage of those things,
> not only by having them right there, 
> but by then being much more widely used and well known.
> Things which could be commonly considered useful/amazing
> which would otherwise not have been (very much) used or tried 
> unless people knew they existed, 
> or knew how it would have made their lives easier.

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