Thank you both for the help.
David, I’d like to try your solution before Gustavo’s one, but... how do you 
mirror a shapekey? or do you mirror the weight map? is there a tool for that?

From: David Gallagher 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 15:53
To: ; Gustavo Eggert Boehs 
Cc: David Saber 
Subject: Re: When you forget to press the Symetry button...

Looks great! Simpler than my method
(Make a new shape key out of the new edits, blend off the shape key to only one 
side, mirror the shape key, Now it's a perfect mirror. Replace Shape Key)

Question. I haven't used ICE really at all. Do you have to create an ice tree 
for a model to use it? How did you get the menu item you use in the video?
Dave G

On 1/19/2013 9:10 AM, Gustavo Eggert Boehs wrote:

  Its quite strait forward to do this in ice IF you have created a symmetry map 
before start moving your vertices around to create shapes. Here is a compound 
for that:


  2013/1/19 David Saber <>

    I’m modeling shapes symetrically, so I can’t use “symtrize polygons”.
    Sometimes I forget to press the “sym” button , so I have to redo the same 
work on the other half.
    Is there a way to tell the points on the “forgotten” half to adapt to what 
was done on the modeled half?

  Gustavo E Boehs 

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