Sort of as an aside, we were talking license counts the other day and
discovered the "-processing" license flag.  If you didn't know about this,
it seems to allow you to not only process scenes with an arbitrary number
of Softimage instances, but also lets you render using 3rd party renderers
without pulling the limited xsibatch tokens.  From what I can tell, you
essentially have unlimited command line Softimages, but a fixed number of
mental rays.  Good news for people looking at 3rd party renderers, as you
don't have to factor in the cost of bundled mental ray as you expand your
farm, and you don't have to worry about implementing an .ass file pipeline
(unless you want to for other reasons).  I'm not sure it's actually changed
anything in terms of what we would have bought, as we've got a fair number
of xsibatch already, but it's just nice to know, and it's making it much
easier to roll out a hybrid workflow.

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