Arnold wins, can we compare Arnold to 3Delight ?
Arnold is at 13 seconds, and VRay is at 18 seconds, maybe it is true nothing can beat the speed of Arnold, no wonder it gets the attention.


Monday, April 01, 2013 9:30 PM
Monday, April 01, 2013 9:20 PM
where is that undo email function it is 2013 already!
Monday, April 01, 2013 9:19 PM
i'll hide now
Monday, April 01, 2013 9:08 PM
really? i am pretty sure the unaccounted time (4.82) is actually what makes his render take 18+ secs. and i also believe the subdivision, displacement, accel build etc is indented under the bucket rendering because its part of the bucket rendering and not in addition to it.

Monday, April 01, 2013 8:54 PM
Thats actually 18 seconds, 13 just for bucket rendering +3 for subd, +1 for displacement +others...
Still thats 18 seconds with brute force GI

and Arnold scores :)

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