Here's a quick render with no secondary bounces. 9.87 seconds. Which is closer to your guys tests...
# INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb render time: # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb node init 0:00.00 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb sanity checks 0:00.00 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb bucket rendering 0:09.86 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb subdivision 0:03.26 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb displacement 0:01.04 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb accel. building 0:00.26 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb pixel rendering 0:05.29 (multi-threaded render, this value may not be reliable) # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb system/unaccounted 0:04.08 # INFO : [arnold] 00:00:15 836mb total *0:09.87* (58.62% machine utilization) [image: Inline image 1] Btw, do you guys have any idea how much memory VRay uses for this test?