Maybe your script sees the lock file but cannot open it for reading.

On 10/04/2013 8:05 AM, Simon Reeves wrote:
Its a bit intermittent too btw, it doesn't turn it into a shared copy straight away every time.. Sometimes I seem to have a good run where it doesn't sometimes every single time I try and save it complains..

Simon Reeves
Freelance 3D VFX Artist

London, UK
/email: <>/

On 10 April 2013 13:00, Simon Reeves < <>> wrote:

    Hey everybody,

    I've been having a problem lately that I'm unable to save my scene
    as if I opened a shared copy. It says
    "[scene] cannot be saved because it has been loaded as a shared
    copy.The main user is" and there is no user listed.

    So I know what this window is, and I am suspecting the problem is
    that Im saving via a script that is located on the server, so when
    I run the script, maybe the SERVER is the new owner of the file?
    So locally I cannot save it?
    That makes sense in my head, but if so, how do you avoid that
    problem, I've worked places with save scripts like the one I made
    and they didn't have the issue so hopefully there is a way around it..

    I thought it was the deadline submission script as that does a
    'save as' too  and that's also located on the server - same
    problem potentially.


    Simon Reeves
    Freelance 3D VFX Artist

    London, UK
    /email: <>/

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