I'd also avoid doing things with weightmaps as much as possible - far
better to do all those calculations outside the rig and then freezing the
shape on export. It's better to keep them live when you're working on the
rig as then any changes you make to the reference mesh will be carried over
without needing to re-make the cluster.

On 24 April 2013 09:36, Sebastian Kowalski <l...@sekow.com> wrote:

> when performance is an issue with an ice shape rig, try to freeze the
> shape clusters into ice attributes ;)
> a smart setup would allow regeneration or addition of new shapes.
> sebastian
> Am 24.04.2013 um 10:24 schrieb Sandy Sutherland <sandy.mailli...@gmail.com
> >:
> > Enrique -
> >
> > Here are 3 snips - the one is showing the very basic compound that I
> load in when first building the tree that allows me to connect a shape on
> one input and a controller on the other - then the shape is hooked up ready
> to go!  Second one is in that basic compound and the third one is modified
> to allow inputting one shape such as a blink modelled both sides and
> splitting it using a weight map, instead of using modulate by weight map
> and making two shapes - this one also allows a switch so you switch which
> side you want the shape to be!  This sort of stuff is so easy using ICE, as
> you can also use this method to modify a shape with a weight map rather
> than makng a new shape!  Notice alsoe the rescale node this allows me to
> use controllers that go negative values say - in my example the Face GUI
> had the controllers working in the direction the shape would go i.e. cheeks
> puffing to make it intuitive for the animators - I then rescale 0 to -1 to
> +1 and done!  Beats the hassle o!
>  f wiring up a linked setup!
> >
> > S.
> >
> >
> > On 2013/04/24 5:15 AM, Enrique Caballero wrote:
> >> Very good point.  And the plug-in play nature of an ICETree compound is
> incredibly attractive.
> >>
> >> I'm always open to trying something new and different if time allows.
> >>
> >> If anyone can screenshot how they set up their ICE Tree Shape mixer
> that would be awesome.  I think my knowledge about optimising ICETree's is
> quite lacking
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > <Shape_TREE_one.JPG><Shape_ICE.JPG><Shape_TREE_three.JPG>

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