Hey Gene,

The easiest and most reliable way to have complete control over workgroups
is to rewrite your *default.xsipref* file before launching.

You'll find in your program root under /Data/Preferences/default.xsipref
The format is pretty straightforward. At work we made a 50 line module to
parse it to a Python dictionary and back out, but I don't think I have
permission to give that out.

In there you can set (or make it if unexistant) your *
data_management.workgroup_appl_path* (pref) variable to whatever workgroups
you need.

(Yes, I know using Python is not a 100% pure batch command approach, but
it's not too hard to make a commandline utility to call to rewrite the

Hope that helps ya.

   -- Alan

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Gene Crucean

> Hey guys,
> So I'm trying to set some environment variables via a batch script but
> this page (
> http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xsidocs/EnvVars_EnvironmentVariableReference.htm)
> doesn't have a workgroup variable to set.
> I stumbled upon Stephens blog (
> http://xsisupport.com/2011/11/09/setting-workgroups-at-startup/) which
> references a *data_management.workgroup_appl_path* variable but then I'm
> forced to use the SI command prompt and to be honest I'm not even sure how
> to call that thing from within a bat file since *call "C:\Program
> Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013 SP1\Application\bin\SIShell.bat" *doesn't
> seem to work.
> I've tried this which works...
> echo \\path\to\proj\pipeline\extensions\softimage2013\workgroups\Arnold >
> "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Autodesk\Softimage_2013_SP1\Data\workgroups.wkg"
> echo \\path\to\proj\pipeline\extensions\softimage2013\workgroups\RGH >>
> "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Autodesk\Softimage_2013_SP1\Data\workgroups.wkg"
> echo \\path\to\proj\pipeline\extensions\softimage2013\workgroups\3rdParty
> >> "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Autodesk\Softimage_2013_SP1\Data\workgroups.wkg"
> The problem I have is that if we ever change the workgroup paths, on next
> launch, Soft holds onto those old paths with Kung-Fu Grip even though the
> paths in the .wkg file are set properly.
> I can't stand many things in Maya but this is one area it's clearly ahead
> of Soft.
> set MAYA_MODULE_PATH=\\path\to\proj\pipeline\extensions\maya2013_5\modules
> <-- done deal
> Btw, I know about xsi -w option but I'm not sure how that would work with
> a .bat file. My setup is like this...
> File one:
> call \\path\to\setEnvVars.bat
> start /min cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013
> SP1\Application\bin\XSI.bat"
> File two:
> Sets all envvars.
> File one calls the file that contains the envvars, those get set, then it
> launches Soft. If I was to use the -w flag, it would have to go on the end
> of the second line in the first file and not in the envvar's file.
> So basically, the second line of file one would be something like this:
> start /min cmd /c "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013
> SP1\Application\bin\XSI.bat -w \\path\to\workgroup1,\\path\to\workgroup2"
> Will someone that understands this setup please shed some light on this
> little golden nugget of my day?
> --
> -Gene

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