Looks like a Motion tools or EmTopo-job..

Or gimme a call and I can do it in Cinema for u (mwaaahaha)

Cheers M ;)

On 08/05/2013, at 09.53, Morten Bartholdy <x...@colorshopvfx.dk> wrote:

> Basically I need something similar to the shown effect here:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/763668/ICE/Wipe_Matte_ICE_Test_01.mov
> - only I either need a sort of trigger or a texturemap lookup because I would 
> like the tiles to stay big after the null passes, so I can use it as an 
> advanced wipe for revealing a shaded surface.
> I imagine it would be less interactive but simpler to set up using a 
> texturemap wipe sequence, look that up and drive values from it.
> The interactive version should likely be having a box moving along the object 
> triggering a transfomation which takes place and then leaves the particles in 
> their new state. This, I guess, would involve states and conditional stuff, 
> so a way beyond my ICE capabilities :/
> I am contemplating setting it up with detached polygons and use an inset 
> deformer to scale the polys - this means I would probably avoid the rotation 
> since that would be more complex to set up, but I would have shape, 
> orientation and relative size of each poly correct so I would not need to set 
> that in an ICE tree.
> I would still need a way to drive it with a texturemap wipe sequence though, 
> so that is what I am looking for atm.
> Morten
> Den 7. maj 2013 kl. 18:49 skrev Alan Fregtman <alan.fregt...@gmail.com>: 
> I'd recommend setting the weightmap weights to a custom attribute, and using 
> locations (Get Closest Location, Index/ID To Location, etc.)  to get the 
> value of said attribute.
> When you fetch from a location it usually adapts or interpolates to the 
> correct context. If you show an example of what you're trying to do it'll be 
> easier to help you.
> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Morten Bartholdy < x...@colorshopvfx.dk > 
> wrote: 
> I have something sort of working atm, but still need to control the scaling 
> dynamically. I tried painting a weightmap on the base geometry and accessing 
> that in the ICE tree in order to multiply parameters, but run into the old 
> context mismatch between per point of object and per particle data. How do I 
> get that working?          
> Morten
> Den 7. maj 2013 kl. 16:35 skrev Morten Bartholdy < x...@colorshopvfx.dk >: 
> I am working on an effect which could be done by animating an extrude/inset 
> of polygons while deleting or hiding the rest of the polygons, effectively 
> making a polygon grow from very small until it forms the shape of an object 
> together with all it adjacent polygons.
> Now I would like to do this dynamically, ie. either drive the effect along 
> the object using one or more of the following methods: a weightmap gradient, 
> an animated texture map, a null which initiates the change or a volume which 
> initiates the effect. This means it would probably be a good idea to set it 
> up in ICE. I have gone through the sample scenes to see if there are bits and 
> pieces I can use, but I am wondering if there are specific tools or tutorials 
> available that could help me achieve this effect.
> Any tips and pointers are much appreciated - thanks!
> Morten

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