i seem to be getting the same error as some people on the si community:
ERROR  object expected line 1 ... i do infact have the latest version of MS
visual C++ 2010 redis...x64.  the plugin also comes up with a little red
triangle in the list :- (

On 9 May 2013 14:21, Ahmidou Lyazidi <ahmidou....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steven, it's still very wip, I'll release the sources as soon as I'll
> have cleaned the code
> I also want to merge it with yours.
> By the way, it's updated :)
> http://www.si-community.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1735&p=12643#p12643
> Cheers
> A.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Ahmidou Lyazidi
> Director | TD | CG artist
> http://vimeo.com/ahmidou/videos
> 2013/5/9 Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com>
>> @ahmidou
>> if you don't have plans to market/sell it, maybe share the code?
>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 9:27 PM, Ahmidou Lyazidi <ahmidou....@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Sebastien,
>>> There is a 64bit version in the archive, and you can smooth/relax by
>>> choosing the option in the RMB menu.
>>> By the way I have an updated version at home with the undo working, I'll
>>> post it tonight
>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>> Ahmidou Lyazidi
>>> Director | TD | CG artist
>>> http://vimeo.com/ahmidou/videos
>>> 2013/5/9 Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>
>>>> I'm not a coder unfortunately, :- ( but yes I'd definitely buy a
>>>> finished version with relax and symmetry, I have stated as much on previous
>>>> threads. (i don't know much about development costs)
>>>> On 9 May 2013 02:09, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> no, the first post shows he updated it.
>>>>> ya, no relax... maybe ask him for the source code so you can make the
>>>>> changes? or offer to pay him?
>>>>> s
>>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes i have seen this before, however it is only for 32 bit ? i still
>>>>>> think it is impressive, but it doesn't have the most important tool the
>>>>>> relax tool, the one tool that would complete mudbox... so they horde it 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> a maya exclusive...
>>>>>> On 9 May 2013 01:07, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> for the time being...
>>>>>>> LivePaint - Ahmidou
>>>>>>> http://www.si-community.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=1735
>>>>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> yes building ice in maya does sound excessively enterprising, which
>>>>>>>> is why i asked if it would be doable as supposed to viable. i'm much 
>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> interested in a simple artisan tool counterpart for softimage
>>>>>>>>  there would be a nice place for it, right on the shelf beneath the
>>>>>>>> weight painting tooles :P
>>>>>>>> On 8 May 2013 23:58, Alan Fregtman <alan.fregt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Code in html? They don't do the browser plugin anymore.
>>>>>>>>> You're right about the other things as far as I know though. Write
>>>>>>>>> a tool in Fabric and it's usable from Maya and Softimage. Their hair 
>>>>>>>>> system
>>>>>>>>> example is essentially an example of that. Their viewport integration 
>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>> to be cross-platform.
>>>>>>>>> They have painting samples already, and a brush API, so it's not
>>>>>>>>> so far fetched to make an artisan tools clone if you were so 
>>>>>>>>> inclined, and
>>>>>>>>> can code.
>>>>>>>>> An ICE clone? That's harder. :p
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>>>>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Apologies for resurrecting this topic, only i was chatting to our
>>>>>>>>>> character fx supervisor about Fabric, and it got me thinking, would 
>>>>>>>>>> it be
>>>>>>>>>> possible to create something like ice in fabric engine, but for 
>>>>>>>>>> maya? i
>>>>>>>>>> mean possible, not viable, i don't want to see ice in maya, i was 
>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>> wondering what are the limits, it sounds like an sdk away from home, 
>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>> one make deformers operators, could you make a version of artisan 
>>>>>>>>>> sculpt
>>>>>>>>>> tools for softimage with deformers linked to brushes ? would it all 
>>>>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>>>>> happen in a second interface, or is there a way of integrating it
>>>>>>>>>> seamlessly with what is already there in maya and softimages UI, 
>>>>>>>>>> also i was
>>>>>>>>>> told that you can code in html and the KL core does the heavy 
>>>>>>>>>> lifting is
>>>>>>>>>> this right ? sorry again if any of this in inacurate
>>>>>>>>>> On 20 April 2013 21:02, Paul Doyle <technove...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Don't get me wrong - Yeti is great software, and the guys at
>>>>>>>>>>> Peregrine are very smart. I was just responding to the comments 
>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>> Fabric :)
>>>>>>>>>>> On 20 April 2013 13:33, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>>>>>>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Paul, i have in fact seen the demo for the hair module,
>>>>>>>>>>>> and in general the fabric engine looks amazing, up until now i was 
>>>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>>>> the impression it was going to be some external application that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>> instance things back into softimage or maya, i was not aware that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> intended to integrate it into both applications, i'm curious and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> very eager
>>>>>>>>>>>> to see what this might look like :)
>>>>>>>>>>>> the thing i like with yeti after having seen it in action is
>>>>>>>>>>>> the interaction model is really solid, you have a node based 
>>>>>>>>>>>> editor to
>>>>>>>>>>>> build your simulation tree where your setting live like ice, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>>>>>>> also come in and comb and tweek the guides manually, its also 
>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>> cleaver about instancing. more to the point its very specifically 
>>>>>>>>>>>> built for
>>>>>>>>>>>> "artists" to create production quality hair.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 20 April 2013 18:15, Paul Doyle <technove...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to clarify - the Creation 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> modules<http://fabricengine.com/creation-modules/>are designed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be much more 'out of the box' than the Creation Platform
>>>>>>>>>>>>> itself (which, as you rightly say, is a tool for building tools). 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right now
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're focused on modules for locomotion/crowds (Horde), scene 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> assembly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Stage) and vegetation (Flora).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tufty (the hair module) is on hold at the moment but we'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pick it up again later this year (sooner if someone wants us to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> build them
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a hair system). When it's made available it will provide out of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the box
>>>>>>>>>>>>> functionality, and run standalone as well as inside Maya and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Softimage
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (which I think is a pretty good attempt at " its nice to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a production ready out of the box solution identical and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> compatible
>>>>>>>>>>>>> everywhere in the world"). The preview 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> video<https://vimeo.com/51762811>that we released last year 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> already showed a viable workflow - we just want
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do a lot more with it before we release anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 20 April 2013 11:54, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i would have thought the more third party willing to develop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on softimage platform the better, yes the fabric engine looks 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> promising, but its still not a "solution" its a tool designed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other tools, as powerful a tool it is to a TD or coder, in this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its like replacing ice with something even more sophisticated and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specialised,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To give you another example, i don't know if any of you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen the Psyop ruffle feather engine, that is ice based and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amazing, but i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't create somthing like that, we can't all go away for a year 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or 2 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> become TD's in order to build our own little feather systems in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ice,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sometimes its nice to have a production ready out of the box 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identical and compatible everywhere in the world.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 20 April 2013 12:48, Nick Angus <n...@altvfx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Have you had a look at fabric engines vimeo page?  They
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have started a fur package probably more as a tech demo at this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stage, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they may be planning to complete it as a full package.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would of course be maya/soft compatible, and you know its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good if Helge Mathee had anything to do with it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> N
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Windows Phone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Sebastien Sterling <sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: 19/04/2013 7:26 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Yeti for Softimage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     Hello List.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I just wanted to perform a quick survey of what solutions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people are using for hair/fur/feathers in softimage these days.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  recently a new tool has become available on the market, its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a production ready all in one hair/feather solution. it's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> called Yeti
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  http://peregrinelabs.com/yeti/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  The hair module in softimage doesn't seem to have aged
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well, and i know what a lot of you are thinking, ice already 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gives us a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multitude of ways to develop hair solutions... However, there 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't seem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be any universal go to hair solution for softimage. this can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem for numerous reasons. and as good as ice is, it's short 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comings
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't be ignored (ex: styling tools?)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I wrote an email to Peregrine asking if there where any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plans for a port to XSI, they responded as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sebastien,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for the great feedback - we have investigated Yeti
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integration for rendering preview which may be available in a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but at this time we're not planning an XSI version of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> editing tools.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Adding in support for a whole new 3D application is a large 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task and we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> haven't had enough demand for an XSI version at this stage.  If 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point that changes and it looks like a studio may commit to a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of licenses we could afford to do this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  So yes, i guess I'm asking who would like Yeti to come to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> softimage, and if Not, why?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  good day :)

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