For topology, there is no SDK access. But a custom node can do all the low
level stuff (manipulating the so called PolygonalDescription).
Same for Kinematics, a custom node can manipulate a 4X4 matrix.
At the end you need to set the topo/kine using the corresponding attribute.

Here is an example (with source code) to create topology using a custom ICE

If you want to do everything with one node, it is a job for a custom
operator I think.


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:07 AM, Ahmidou Lyazidi <>wrote:

> From my small experience about this, you can't make a custom topology or
> kinematics "node", you make a node that abstract the more or less complex
> computation, then you feed the topology nodes (or a matrix in the case of
> kinematics).
> As you stated you can't use locators, or location queries in a custom ice
> node, so if you need them the workflow is to break you ice node in smaller
> parts.
> About the preformance sometimes it's faster, sometimes quite the same. I
> made a parallel transport frame node, the gain was only 15% but the setup
> faster.
> This node seems to perform way faster:
> A
> -----------------------------------------------
> Ahmidou Lyazidi
> Director | TD | CG artist
> 2013/5/15 Matt Lind <>
>>  well, let's answer the questions first:
>> 1) Does anybody have source code they are willing to share for custom ICE
>> Nodes that deal with topology and/or geometry?
>> 2) Does the lack of reference, location, and execute ports for custom ICE
>> nodes mean I cannot cast a location search from inside an ICE node?
>> To answer your question:
>> Imagine two nulls and two NURBS Surfaces.  the task is to find the
>> nearest location from the first null to the first surface.  At that
>> location, build an orthonormal basis and compute the local transform of the
>> null relative to that basis.  Then reconstruct that relationship by
>> applying it to the 2nd null relative to the 2nd surface assuming both
>> surfaces use uniform parameterization, not non-uniform as is the softimage
>> default.  Version 2: extend to operate on vertices of polygon meshes
>> instead of nulls.  I have a working version, but it is slow and not very
>> stable.
>> The problem I'm encountering is it simply takes too many factory nodes to
>> be able to work efficiently. Each node has a certain amount of overhead
>> regardless of what it does. Plus, the support for NURBS in ICE is rather
>> abysmal. I have to construct my own orthonormal basis plus implement my own
>> algorithm to convert from non-uniform parameterization to uniform
>> parameterization.  Both are doable, but take very many nodes to do it
>> (including support for edge cases) making the whole effort rather clumsy at
>> best. The parameterization conversion is expensive as it involves sorting
>> and searching (while/repeat/counter nodes).  When applying the ICE Compound
>> to a polygon mesh with 5,000+ gets the job done, but
>> chugs.
>> I have a version of this tool written as a scripted operator, and it
>> performs really well because it has better SDK support and the
>> sorting/searching can be better optimized.  But one shortcoming of scripted
>> operators is they self-delete if an input goes missing (which often happens
>> on scene load or model import when the content has been modifed
>> externally).  This in turn causes content using the operator to malfunction
>> generating bug reports which are sent to artists to fix.  Unfortunately
>> most artists weren't around when the content was created years ago, so they
>> have no idea what's wrong, what the expected output is supposed to look
>> like, or how to fix it.  Often an asset has to be retired and replaced.
>> This is my motivation for rewriting the tool as a custom ICE node as ICE is
>> much more graceful when it's inputs don't exist - it just turns red and
>> sits patiently until conditions improve.  This gives artists a chance to
>> fix the problem without having to sweat the details because they can read
>> the GetData node to see what's missing, then find and repair it.  I'm
>> trying to make the content in our pipeline more durable.
>> So...I'm looking for code samples of how to deal with topology and
>> geometry in ICE.  So far I have not found any.
>> Matt
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* [
>>] On Behalf Of Raffaele Fragapane
>> []
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2013 9:00 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: custom ICENode - questions and request for example source
>> code
>>   Yeah, same hunch here.
>>  Unless the performance expectations are in the multiple characters
>> real-time concurrently, in which case I think neither way is gonna get
>> there usually.
>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Ciaran Moloney <
>> > wrote:
>>> I'm sorta , kinda sure that's a dead end for a custom node. You might be
>>> better off optimizing your ICE tree. It doesn't sound like such a complex
>>> problem, care to share?
>>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Matt Lind <>wrote:
>>>>  I’ve been looking at the ICE SDK as a start to the process of writing
>>>> custom ICE Nodes in C++.  I need to write topology generators, modifiers
>>>> and deformation nodes.  So far all the source code I’ve seen supplied with
>>>> Softimage only deal with particle clouds or primitive data such as
>>>> converting integers to scalars.  Does anybody have source code for working
>>>> with the Softimage SDK inside an ICE Node to modify
>>>> topology/geometry?.....or Kinematics?   Example:  creating a polygon mesh
>>>> from scratch, adding/removing subcomponents, dealing with clusters, etc…  I
>>>> ask this partly because the ICE SDK docs say to not use the object
>>>> model….which leads to the question – how do I do anything?****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>>>> While also browsing the SDK docs, I saw in the ‘limitations’ section
>>>> that custom ICE Nodes cannot define reference, location, or execute
>>>> ports.   Since I am very interested in working with locations, does this
>>>> mean I cannot do queries for locations from inside the ICE Node?  Or does
>>>> it only mean I cannot send/receive locations from other ICE nodes?****
>>>> ****
>>>> Example:****
>>>> ****
>>>> I need to write an ICE Node which takes a polygon mesh and 2 NURBS
>>>> Surfaces as inputs, and whose output is the deformation of a 2ndpolygon 
>>>> mesh.  To accomplish this feat requires the use of point Locators
>>>> to map the relationship between the first polygon mesh’s points relative to
>>>> the first surface, then re-interpret that information to deform the points
>>>> of the 2nd polygon mesh in relation to the 2nd surface.  You can
>>>> assume the two polygon meshes and two surfaces have identical topology.  I
>>>> need to write this as a custom ICE node because it is prohibitively
>>>> expensive to use the factory nodes (too many nodes/workarounds required
>>>> leading to severe performance degradation).****
>>>> ****
>>>> I’d like to be able to do a point locator query from inside the custom
>>>> ICE node for performance (and convenience) reasons.  Sample code would be a
>>>> big help.****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>>>> Anybody?****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>>>> Matt****
>>>> ****
>>>> ****
>> --
>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
>> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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