Scripting and C++ are not 1:1.  It might not be necessary to set parameter 
classification to 'siClassifTopo' in C++.

I don't know the answer.


[] On Behalf Of ran sariel
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:21 PM
To: softimage
Subject: Re: custom operators and changing topology

Thank you Matt

the issue is not defining the data type, the problem I'm facing is trying to 
let softimage treat my customOperator as one that is changing topology.
one of the advice I found online was defining the first parameters on that 
operator as "siClassIfTopo", that method is valid for the object model but not 
in the c++ signature.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Matt Lind 
<<>> wrote:
XSIFactory.CreateParamDef() is for creating parameters the user interacts with 
in the operator's PPG.

Defining the data type your operator reads/writes is done via port connections. 
 CustomOperator.AddInputPort() and CustomOperator.AddOutputPort(), for example.


 On Behalf Of ran sariel
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 1:57 PM
To: softimage
Subject: custom operators and changing topology


I'm trying to read geometry (from a stream) using a custom operator.
as long as there's no topology changes all works fine and the mesh is read and 
when the topology changes softimage crashes.
I understand I need to classify that operator siClassifTopo, but not sure how 
to do that in c++
(the c++ methods for CreateParamDef in factory don't have the option to specify 
the classification that the object model has).

what would be the right way to go about it?


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