OMG. Very emotional piece, and great technical info. It'd be nice to see
a screenshot of the facial rig J


So basically, the hair was based upon XSI Hair, and Melena was used to
create the final look? Melena is great, it's a shame that it is
discontinued. I am very interested in the muscle rig as well, I've seen
the weightmap is "animated" during the walk cycle. It's some kind of


Amazing piece, I hope one day Mill will make a tutorial book...







PS. Videos like this makes me consider leaving games industry to the


[] On Behalf Of Peter Agg
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: Mill 98 Human


Just to add to what Jimmy nicely rounded up: the facial animation rig
was pretty much all done with envelope deformers rather than blend
shapes. Chimp lips are surprisingly flexible so having the deformers
being driven by curves was certainly the way to go with that.


The eyelids were also controlled with nulls looking at curves so the
animators could define pretty much exactly what kind of shape they
wanted - there's a lot of nice, subtle movement in them which is pretty
much all down to their keen eyes and decision-making, really. Not much
of it was automated so they did a really nice job - pretty much
everything you see was something they chose to move, I just gave them
the option!


Throw on a few sticky controls in key areas for secondary movement and
you've pretty much got it as far as the control rig went. Then off it
went to Vince's muscle system (though by that stage I unfortunately had
to head back to the UK office, so I never got to see the cool stuff in



On 21 May 2013 22:05, jimmy gass <> wrote:

No strand caching. We wanted to save our self the extra step, since
there were already like 5 stages of cache and sim. So the strands were
left live.

To get Motion blur to behave properly, I just made a compound at the
front of the entire system, that calculated the strand velocity and
stored that every frame, but then set it back to what it was the frame
before at the beginning of the sim to keep the behavior right. Basically
just forcing the velocities for the rendered to do what it needs to do.
That node has become quite popular here for that purpose.



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