
I have a situation where I would like an object to remain the same size 
relative to the camera. Think in terms of "pixel width" for example. I managed 
to accomplish this through ICE by using the distance between the camera and the 
object to manage the scale for the object.

The problem is this. If the object is in the center of the viewport and I move 
the camera towards or away from the object, its perfect. The scale remains 
constant relative to the viewport. But if the object is on the periphery of the 
viewport, it is slightly larger than in the center of the viewport. The object 
scale still remains relative if the camera moves, the problem is that the scale 
is different than in the center. I assume this has something to do with forced 
perspective having an affect on the scaling?

Has anyone tried this before? I haven't a clue how to correct this at the 
moment. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Joey Ponthieux
LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
Mymic Technical Services
NASA Langley Research Center
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

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