Hey Eric. I got carried away with a different task. Let me get back to you on this one a little later. (I also tried your other suggestion with the = sign... didn't make a difference, if I remember correctly). I'll let you know ASAP... thanks!

*Sergio Mucino*
Lead Rigger
Modus FX

On 30/09/2013 11:48 AM, Eric Turman wrote:
I know this sounds really simple, but did you set a relative value of the U position for each extreme of your custom parameter?

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Sergio Mucino <sergio.muc...@modusfx.com <mailto:sergio.muc...@modusfx.com>> wrote:

    This should be a simple one. I've got a null constrained to a
    curve (param). I have another null on which I created a Custom
    Parameter, so I could drive with it the U Pos parameter on the
    curve constraint for the first null.
    I've connected them using the Parameter Connection Editor, and the
    constrained Null shows the following expression on its Path %age

    l_fcv( Rig.CustomPSet.Path_U_Pos )

    However, when I go to my custom parameter on the second Null and
    change the value, the constrained null does not update. It does
    nothing. What am I missing?
    Thanks for any help!
    (P.S. I also tried getting rid of the l_fcv part of the
    expression, since it reads to me as if it was expecting a function
    curve as an input... but this didn't change anything).

-- *Sergio Mucino*
    Lead Rigger
    Modus FX

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