Good points.
The talk about a central, public request database surfaces every now and then - would be really cool if a satisfying solution is finally found.
So, +10 to introduce the beta request list into the uservoice page!

Whatever this central idea and wishlist hub will be, of course it doesn't mean the devs are forced to anything in some grassroot democratic manner, but to de-babel all the wishlists, requests and bug reports out in the wild, and to provide a proper basis for discussion. We are running in circles too often.

+1 to give request that stand open for long some extra weight.

Am 10.10.2013 19:12, schrieb Matt Lind:

Let's not forget all the suggestions and requests already submitted through proper channels and have been in the queue for a long time. It's not fair for user efforts like this to 'cut in line' ahead of those who have been waiting for their turn.

If you really want to know what is important, then please expose your request log and put it into the same list as the user voice so users can see and compare all the options on a level playing field and vote without bias. Otherwise, people are going to vote for things that are most visible in the list as opposed to what is truly important. Ie; it will skew the results possibly supplanting really important and good ideas with those which are less important only because the less important ideas are visible and the more important ones are not.


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Stefan Rueffer
*Sent:* Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:42 AM
*Subject:* RE: Unofficial Softimage user voice


Thanks a lot for creating this website, Greg.

This will make it much easier to see if our current ideas are lining up with the needs of the whole community and will give some excellent input about what might come next.

So please everybody use this to help us to pick the most needed features and be assured that the complete Softimage team will listen closely.



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