Well said!  I'm looking forward to the future to be honest.  There's a lot
of great new things I think on the horizon, especially with the
cloud...look at Clara.io and Lagoa.  In the meantime, we have Soft,
Mootzoid, Exocortex and all the other cool stuff!  Looking forward to
2014...whatever may happen.


On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Meng-Yang Lu <ntmon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Regardless if it's true or not, the take-away should be what we value.  A
> strong platform for development, a strong community who are passionate
> about pursuing technology and art, and a workflow that keeps our working
> hours short and beer glasses full.
> If we embrace these ideas whole-heartedly, then the only thing needed is a
> strong platform to rebuild these ideas upon.  It doesn't have to be owned
> by an "evil" company or fly under the banner of a familiar name.  There are
> already technologies out there that hold this promise.  And by redirecting
> the talents of artist and developers onto something that is a bit more
> open, it will also create a wake of opportunities and ultimately providing
> more jobs.
> There's a lot to look forward to.  As these emerging technologies mature,
> we'll find there are even more interesting projects that may not have been
> present on our radar, but could greatly benefit from our skills, talent,
> and passion.
> The future is extremely bright.
> Merry Christmas everyone!
> -Lu
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Kris Rivel <krisri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ha ha...Merry Christmas to all!!  LOL.  I'm not trying to start
>> anything...just want to see if I'm the only one hearing this.  I told the
>> guys that told me to go tell the people that said this to go F themselves
>> for what its worth.  It does piss me off to see rumors like this but....I
>> do sit at home mostly working all day and night.  I don't get to mingle
>> with my peers as much as I used to so I didn't know if this may be old news
>> or something new.  Sounds bunk so I'll leave it at that :-)
>> Kris
>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Eric Thivierge 
>> <ethivie...@hybride.com>wrote:
>>> Only thing I have beef with myself is the thread hijacking that
>>> snowballs into a long slog of boohooism. I'm tired of it. In recent times I
>>> have to think twice about posting to the list because I'm afraid my thread
>>> will get pulled into the black hole of negativity and what could have been
>>> a helpful / informative thread will be turned into a bitch-fest.
>>> The emPolygonizer thread yesterday that was heading in that direction
>>> seriously almost made me unsubscribe.
>>> If you want to complain about the demise of a software, have at it. Just
>>> stop hijacking threads with it (not aimed specifically Mr. Lampi, in
>>> general).
>>> - Eric T.

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