Hi guys,

what would be a convenient way to create,style and control hair
in Softimage, with lengths up to 10-12 inches and ideally
both a good collision model and dedicated styling tools?

Which Softimage version would you suggest, e.g. 2014sp2?

I´m a novice with hair and fur but would like to set up
a manageable sample/test that ideally works with Arnold
and Redshift.

Is it possible to work generic or transfer results from,
say Yeti into Softimage?

Would you recommend actually leaning towards Maya for such
a task, either going directly to Yeti or similar?

I know those are fuzzy questions, I guess I´m actually looking
for a biased answer regarding any of the various hair plugin options
for any of the major three apps, e.g. max/maya/softimage.

Sofar, I´ve found the following options:

hairfarm, yeti, ornatrix, shave&haircut, maya hair, maya xgen "hair" in 2014ext
and the cinema4d hair options (shadowmapped).

Admittedly, that´s a lot of options and I find it difficult to bet
my time-investment onto any of them since I simply know bling about pro´s or 



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