Hey folks,
I'm trying to do what should be relatively simple,  rendermapping camera
projections, but I'm getting shut down along the way.

I have a still which I am projecting through a camera onto a piece of geo.
I have rendermap set up to bake to a unique UV's as an albedo map.
I am using the rendermapped image on a constant shaded material, and using
as part of a destruction element.

I have tried at all kinds of resolutions, but I am just not getting quality
that even comes close to matching the original projection.

Ultimapper doesn't seem up to this task, though I suppose I could duplicate
the original object and use the duplicate as a high res source with a
camera projection, baking back down to the original object with the unique

Would love to know if this is a common problem people are having with
rendermaps. The forums don't seem to reveal much in the way of useful info
here. Nothing I can dig up in archives either.

Any takers?


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