Hey Leonard have you checked Animal Logics website ?
http://www.animallogic.com/Careers/Jobs they seem to be gearing up, and are
looking for lots of people.

good luck !

On 4 March 2014 08:43, Leonard Koch <leonardkoch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey List,
> I hope you guys don't mind a post like this amidst all the crazy going on
> right now, but the list has always been very good to me when it came to
> sharing my tools and so I hope this is appropriate as well.
> I'm looking for some work on Softimage projects as a TD and Toolmaker.
> I'm very capable at fulfilling production needs and solving problems using
> ICE and the Softimage SDK.
> If there is a problem ICE can tackle, then I can solve it and if ICE
> can't, then I can write a custom ICE-node or operator that can.
> I have probably built some of the biggest ICE-systems openly available to
> the community.
> LK Lightning: http://leonardkoch.com/blog/2013/4/11/lk-lightning-20-is-out
> And LK Fabric: http://leonardkoch.com/blog/2013/10/9/new-plugin-lk-fabric
> I'm very open as to the nature of the work. I can build an entire tool-set
> for enabling a production but I also enjoy just building small components
> to help snuff out production snags.
> I'm available for both remote and on-site work.
> For reference you can see my website:
> http://leonardkoch.com/
> And this thread here by Andy Moorer is also a good read:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/xsi_list/nike/xsi_list/hOECya3-bOA/JMNTPhu2qXUJ
> Hopefully those who have worked with me in the past and those who have
> used my plugins and asked for support can vouch for my abilities and
> dedication.
> If any of this strikes a chord with you, please shoot me an email.
> Thank you for reading.
> Leonard

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