Apart how slipping the rug under an entire community,
can be off the charts in terms of "wrongness" in most people's book,

it's also still mostly unanimous among anyone having used XSI,
that the (quote) "workflow" or "overall intuitiveness" or "friendlyness"
remains (objectively) unparalleled by a considerably
vast gap to this day,
and it does seem to explain quite a few things..

  -- the historically strong sentiments (beyond what can be of personal preference or habit)
      toward what is otherwise just "stupid" software.

  -- what made it continue to (relatively) soar and evolve (mostly on the user side)
     despite core dev layoffs, no marketing, and constant death threats (rumors)

But as that undiscernable "secret magic ingredient"
might have been what made it go though all these obstacles,
(also creating, lets call it "love" in users, also becoming part of that magic)
.. now that one of the rumors turned out to be true,
that "magic" IS what can make it do like Neo did at the end of the first Matrix, which was to actually *Rise*.

"Stupid replaceble software" would not have
consistantly evoked such sentiments from various devs and users across the board..

For what it's worth:
I will continue developing and updating my plugins for Softimage regardless of what Autodesk does.


Pooby ; This is part of an email to me from Marcos Fajardo, chief Architect of Arnold.

"Oh, and btw, we will continue to support SItoA for years, regardless of what happens with Softimage."


The same statement about still continue supporting Softimage no matter what,
has been made by the Redshift team in their forums.


No path to Maya for me as well, with the main difference I'm seeing that in Maya we're meant to only follow the supported workflows. In SI every feature is constructed as just a building block of a workflow. Sure with Bifrost we'll see a little XSI light in Maya, but I doubt that this mentioned workflow philosophy will ever change.

Anyway I'll keep updating my site for as long as new plugins come out.


This is from Fluckrat over at CGTalk which strikes me as a fair way to put it.

<< Comparisons between Softimage being EOL'd and Shake being superseded by Nuke are frankly a brainless and lazy simplification.

Nuke was a HUGE improvement over Shake and forward-thinking from the outset.
It signaled the arrival of the future.

Switching to Maya does not evoke the same feeling in me.

What has been Softimage's strength from the outset has also been it's biggest weakness because it doesn't engage or change people's perception of it as just another 3d DCC app.

People look at bullet-points and "non-linear clean workflow" just doesn't stand out. It's human nature.

Softimage's biggest strength has been the cleanliness of it's workflow.
Explaining and marketing a clean workflow as a killer feature is an impossible task.

You can move your project quickly and efficiently through the software and reach your goal without encountering many obstacles or resistance along the way.

No hacks or scripts needed, no baggage or fudging, just clean, well though-out and well implemented workflows throughout.

I personally set this above everything else in terms of importance.

I don't care if I don't have whizz-bang feature X Y or Z because the %95 of bread-and-butter,
what I'll be spending most of day doing stuff just works better.

That's what I would miss eventually.

I'll keep using Softimage until the engine eventually blows and the wheels fall off, because for me, it's solved all the problems that no-one else has.


On 03/04/14 9:47, Francisco Criado wrote:
I don'believe is true, Autodesk on its site didnt change anything, ssoftimage is still abailable.
Please stop publishing this kind of stuff, i'ts almost a week about people talking and speculating about softimage's end.
If you want to talk about it go to a geek gossip forum or maya's forum. This mailing list has been for q&a as a knowledge base for the past at least 15 years. And sice 2014 began there is a clear intention from a couple of users to filter and make noise with this kind of gossips.
Stop it now, please.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, Sofronis Efstathiou <sefstath...@bournemouth.ac.uk> wrote:


Was it announced – been in lectures all morning?








Sofronis Efstathiou
Postgraduate Framework Leader and BFX Competition & Festival Director

Computer Animation Academic Group

National Centre for Computer Animation



Tel: +44 (0) 1202 965805


Profile: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/sofronisefstathiou

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