So well put Marc! Thanks for a heartwarming read this sad morning. The
weather is fine outside but in my mind it rains.

You are absolutely right about the people who have cared defining what
Softimage has been through time. Although many of them are not around to
read this I still want to thank them for a fantastic journey with the fine
companion Softimage is. I have used Softimage for 22 years now and would
rather keep doing so until I too go the Kim Aldis way. Unfortunately it
seems it will no be an option. Maybe next week or the week after I will be
able to smile contemplating learning something new. I just wish Porl was
around to teach us how to model a cube in Maya...

Morten Bartholdy
VFX Sup -

Den 5. marts 2014 kl. 09:43 skrev Marc Brinkley

> Hello folks (sorry for the long read)
> Been reading and thinking about this all week.
> What I realized was that as great a piece of software that is Softimage, it
> has always been about the people. I have been connected to this software
> for close to 19 years in some way. First time was on an SGI Indy just after
> the MS purchase and all the way to today. A few side trips to Max and Maya
> along the way. But even with all the great things I made with this
> software, when people asked me why I stuck with it for so long the simple
> answer was the people.
> Not too long after XSI shipped, we were starting to use it on a new game
> when Gareth Morgan came calling. He sat down with us and asked what can
> they do better for us. What do you need and how can we make things better
> for you. I can assure you, no one from Alias or Autodesk ever asked us.
> We were a small developer back in the day but the fact that someone at SI
> would want to talk with us made all the difference in the world. Alias
> finally came to visit us, only after we were acquired by EA and got
> established as EA Chicago. Alias was told to visit us. The Alias sales guy
> even said to me had they known we existed they would have visited us
> sooner. He then asked what product we used on our last game…which was
> pretty successful (NBA Street). I told him Softimage. He laughed and said
> it probably wasn’t a very good game. That was my introduction to companies
> outside of Softimage. Autodesk wasn’t much better in their attitude.
> It was always clear that Softimage cared deeply about its customers and
> connected in a personal way. A way that always made me feel that they were
> there as a partner helping me solve problems. Whether it was flying to
> Montreal to meet with the dev team. Visits from Gareth. Phone calls to
> Manny to help us out. Passionate discussions on the beta list with Chinny.
> Christine Charette manning the beta list and licenses. Jen Goldfinch of
> course. Poor Simon Inwood and David that put up with me during our custom
> builds on the dead and buried Marvel project. Siggraph meetings and beers
> until late in the night…Boston! Erik and his wall of toys. Olivier and
> everyone at Special Projects. Countless others that were there along with
> us fighting the fight. Luc-Eric, Dominic, Martin, St Blair, Alexandre,
> Robert, Brent, Marc-Andre…so many others I cant recall them all.
> The day we got shut down in Chicago I reached out to Marc Stevens directly
> to let him know we were getting closed. He asked how he could help. I told
> him I have a lot of artists that need to make demo reels. He offered up 6
> months of SI so that my artists could get their reels done and help them
> find a new job. That was close to 20-30 people. During my job hunting trip
> to EA Montreal, I stopped by the Saint-Laurent office and went out for
> drinks with my Softimage friends. Even Gareth, long gone from Softimage
> came out as well. Late that evening with Jen and Gareth, still knowing that
> here were people that still cared. This from a software company.
> And there was the mailing list. To my first smack down by Kim (still
> stings!) to today, this list has been an integral part of my career. A
> wealth of passion and knowledge, this list has always been something that I
> have been thankful for. The people here have been just as helpful and
> passionate as the people making the software.
> After the acquisition…well we know now. But through all of it. The people
> were the reasons I stayed. My career has me on a new path and while I am
> still in CG and games I have not been hands on in the last 5 years. But it
> was and has always been the community of people that defined
> Softimage. From the people who make it to those that use it.
> If there was one wish I have, it’s that somehow, some way, this community
> carries on.
> Hope to see everyone on the other side my friends.
> Cheers
> -marc

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