Then go for it. The guys who left the industry when Soft|3D was shut down
and both Lightwave users still writing in LScript will welcome you with
open arms :)

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Alok Gandhi <>wrote:

> Raff, Well I would like to humbly disagree with your 'corspe' analogy.
> People will still continue to use Soft. Maybe not big shops and huge
> pipelines but those small shops and lone artists that have been using it
> for many years.
> I think AD stopping development does not mean that it will not be used. I
> now for myself that I will use it to get some odd jobs done. For a few
> years, I was palnning to a do a personal animated short, I think now I will
> be starting on that project in a few months. It will be all soft.
> Of course, I have developed for Maya, Houdini and Nuke as well and will
> continue to do so. Fabric is awesome and I want to contribute there as
> well. But that does not mean  I will abandon doing things in soft.
> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Raffaele Fragapane <
>> wrote:
>> Can I humbly suggest TDs spend their time more productively instead, for
>> both themselves and the community, and start looking at other vendors?
>> We can wish upon a star all we want, but, as hurtful as it might be, Soft
>> is dead and will not be brought back to life. You can tazer the corpse
>> until it spasms, but it won't be life.
>> What you COULD do, however, for the sake of the same people that made
>> Soft what you loved as a software and as a community, is make good use of
>> your time to diversify your skills and give support to platforms such as
>> Fabric.
>> Hopefully I won't get flamed or misunderstood for this, but honestly,
>> there'd be no worse thing to see than seeing people doing further damage to
>> themselves by clinging to a corpse after the damage done to the app and its
>> history.
>> Look at LW to see the depth of sadness this can get to. I'd rather the
>> people I've come to know and respect on this list don't devolve into what's
>> left of its userbase.
>> You also get to make more of a difference for the future of industry and
>> vendors if you spend your time on a project that has a chance to live, and
>> you get to learn a lot of things that Soft is entirely too far behind on
>> for you to properly learn on.
>> Sorry, might sound cold, but it's a helluva lot more practical.
>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Alok Gandhi <>wrote:
>>> Hey Guys,
>>> Calling out all the Soft Tool developers/ TDs out there. I know there
>>> are lots of awesome out there for Soft but let's create more tools for the
>>> community.
>>> I am willing to devote my time to develop more tools and will ask the
>>> same of other developers.
>>> If anyone has a request / idea for a Tool from Soft that they need,
>>> please post it here.
>>> Developers please feel free to take on this projects.
>>> If anyone likes this idea and can quickly setup a web page (like redmine
>>> ticket system), it will be great.
>>>  Cheers !
>> --
>> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
>> and let them flee like the dogs they are!
> --

Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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