Hi Leendert

The mechanism is the same. Your comment about three versions back applies to 
what is made available as new releases are issued. No new releases for 
Softimage will be available so the situation is not  really identical and the 
three version back limitation does not apply. Also the three limit back is 
about access to licenses not about existing ones. For example if you are using 
Maya 2009 today (more than 3 versions back) you can still continue to use it 
although you would only access 2011, 2012, 2013 from the Subs center.


Maurice Patel
Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Leendert A. Hartog
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 3:58 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Update to the Softtimage Transition Plan

Hi, mr. Patel,

Thanks for the update, but it raises another question:

(If this is a stupid question: sorry, I'm having a hard time processing all 
this ATM.)

Two quotes...

>From the OP:

"Based on your feedback we will be adding the ability to continue to access 
Softimage indefinitely with your Subscription entitlement even after we stop 
support on Softimage in April 2016."

>From the FAQ

"If you need to use Softimage after February 1, 2016 you will be able to access 
it through the Subscription center in the same way that Subscription customers 
can access prior versions today."

In the FAQ one element from your OP seems unclear. You clearly speak of 
accessing "Softimage indefinitely", while the FAQ states the usage "in the same 
way that Subscription customers can access prior versions today.".

As I understand prior version rights aren't indefinite.  I believe older 
versions cease to be available after three years even under this program.  
While I assume/hope the condition you've laid out in your OP to be correct, but 
if so the FAQ could use some clarification in this respect.



Leendert A. Hartog - Softimage hobbyist AKA Hirazi Blue - Administrator @, NOT 
the owner of si-community.com

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