Wow so that’s 41 people so far!! I never imagined this would happen.

Its also rather intimidating. I certainly can’t lead this on my own, so who 
would like to help coordinate it?
I’d also like to nail the basis for the idea down soon or we’ll be all over the 

This is my idea, cleaned up a bit, with suggestions from Doeke Wartena who 
aptly likened it to Forest Gump’s running sequence.

I thought Greg would be a good start, as he still has a lot of followers on 
you-tube and is kind of known. I had a big response from the VFX industry when 
I made it.

We start with Greg Mutt (see above) doing a video blog about Soft being 
killed.. He suddenly jumps up and  says You know what? Screw this!! and stomps 
off screen.
We cut to him walking down a street with purpose. 
Then we cut to various other CGI characters or entities, leaving buildings, 
walking, running. making their way somewhere. 
The shots get bigger as more and more CGI things join the walking groups.
Its starts getting Epic. Godzilla Stomps through times Square as a bunch of 
Lego-like characters run beneath him etc
We see Greg again, riding on a Trex, past Mount Rushmore, as helicopters fly 
past . George Washington’s stone face says ‘Go for it Greg!’
Tokyo and a bunch of Manga characters strut down the neon streets looking mean 
and others looking Cute join them. 
Paris and a bunch of Monsters stick out their thumbs to hitch a ride.  a 
massive spaceship descends.
etc ( increasingly epic ideas along these lines are up for grabs.)
Eventually an awesome throng of CGI characters, and entities gather at the HQ 
of Autodesk.. (this could be CGI and Stylised. Black and Imposing) 
They are carrying banners, such as ‘make Softimage not war’. They stop.. Greg 
hesitates, from behind him, a character walks to the door.
It is a little cute Manga girl . she presses the buzzer a reply comes.
‘Hello, this is Autodesk. Press 1 if you want information on Maya. Press 2 if 
you want information on Max, press...’ (this bit needs more thought)
She leans in and whispers ‘Please don’t kill us’
SAVE SOFTIMAGE slams onto screen

I don’t want to force anyone to do this idea, but if the general consensus is 
that its a decent start then its worth building on I think. I think the good 
thing about it is that its a simple premise, yet allows for great creative 

From: Mirko Jankovic 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: A germ of an idea.

I do have a nice team of people here covering all sort of tasks but 
unfortunately too bussy for the next couple months to take on anything else on 
But if you need some rendering with Redshift i can help out, got couple 
licences and couple nice GPU render ready comps so can at least free your comps 
to keep making something great :)

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Matthew Graves <> wrote:

  Hi I like this idea Paul. 
  There seems to be a lot of people already in but I will throw my hat it to. I 
can do ICE Fx and Problem solving and other such cool stuff.
  (also thanks Paul for the invaluable tutorial videos)


  On 12 March 2014 14:01, Ed Manning <> wrote:

    Good idea, Paul.

    I'm up for contributing, schedule permitting! 

    VFX supervision, middleweight ICE FX-y stuff, and 
shading/lighting/rendering, especially if you'd like to see some stuff done in 
Redshift. has a lot of links to recent (and 
older) work.

    Anyone know a producer who'd like to herd this bunch of cats?

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