color4passthrough :)

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Simon Reeves <> wrote:

> If it's mostly relative to other autodesk apps, I'm mostly comparing to
> 3dsmax...
> *ICE*
> *Explorer* -  the backbone and ridiculously powerful and clear - and
> that encapsulates what is great about passes/partitions/group + so much
> more. But I can't put it as well as Nuno:
> *"1. Scene Explorer  which is great for scene assembly, more intuitive,
> cleaner and fast, also helps setting up passes faster while maya Outliner
> is as close as bad as 3dsMax's Object lister, both quite limited compared
> to XSI's"*
> *Multiple Object select editing* which you don't realise how great it is
> until you don't have it (max)
>  Scripting is so straight forward in xsi - the editor is great, the help
> is so accessible, feedback is great, again, 10x better than when I've done
> some scripting in Max/Maya/Nuke
> Simon Reeves
> London, UK
> * <>*
> * <>*
> * <>*
> On 13 March 2014 15:45, Chris Marshall <> wrote:
>> Am I the only person using the FX Tree? It's a very big plus for us.

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