By the way, if any of you get into Modo's render passes, you need to be sure you understand what they are. The first thing you want to do is to turn off 'Auto-Add'. Just do it. Otherwise you'll shoot yourself later, once you understand what passes are....

So .... Passes.....

In Modo, parameters are called 'channels'. You change a value anywhere, and you've changed a channel. /Passes are containers for channel values/. You need to let that sink in. */Passes are containers for channel values/*. This means that you could very well have a camera animated one way in Pass A, and the same camera animated in a totally different way in Pass B. This is fundamentally different to how XSI does things. Now the workflow for doing overrides and partitioning is not as fluid as it is in Soft (and I've opened bugs in the bug tracking system for this), but you need to recognize the raw power behind what the system offers: on a per-pass basis, you can store completely different values for parameters.

Now... if you have Auto-Add on.... and you're in a pass... any changes you make to channels (move a camera, tweak a light) get stored ONLY IN THAT PASS. Coming from XSI, you're accostumed to moving the camera around and it be the same camera position for all passes. But since Modo's passes are containers for unique channel values, you can have the camera be in a different place entirely depending on the pass. And if you have Auto-Add on, your work will only be local to that pass! You can always push the changes from that pass back to the default state, but it's better to just disable Auto-Add in the first place.


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