I read all these threads and the general feeling I get is: people are accepting what's happening... But didn't we accept too much since 2008?

AD acquisition, AD not promoting Softimage, AD kicking Softimage's original developers: for all these slaps, we grumbled then we accepted. Now AD kills Softimage: we grumble then we accept! We're even helping AD to improve Maya!

The last request to AD from our community is to keep Softimage half alive with some small fixes from time to time. I have a question for those who requested it: if AD grants you that, and if Softimage becomes a stagnant living dead app, will you be happy? Will you thank AD for that?

Now AD says with some workflow ideas from Softimage, the future of Maya is bright (click). Do you buy it? Can they do it? A true nonlinear workflow? A modern GUI where everything is drag and droppable? A render region? An explorer so complete? A true animation mixer?

If Ad asks you to leave your young beautiful wife, and choose your fat ugly mother in law instead, would you accept?

Why not keeping Softimage's development instead! It already has a solid ground for improvements. When V7 came out and ICE was making a lot of buzz, who in this community would have thought our software of choice (and us) would head for this situation? It's like XSI was an orphan child, adopted by some cold, silent parents, who do not understand his talent or even his culture. They see no use for him so they kill him.

Enough! Screw the fifth stage of grief! Acceptance? What AD is doing is NOT acceptable. Everyone should go back to stage 2: RAGE. I'd just like to see more fighting spirit here. Something should be possible to stop this madness and to bring XSI back to the time it was dazzling everyone. The open letters and Pooby's project are great initiatives. These days I'm contacting all my friends to ask them to sign the petition. Perhaps I'm unrealistic, but I can't let XSI die without a fight.


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