Something like that was my opinion too. I know many artist switched from
Maya to SI, and stay in that land, very happy... Vice-versa, I don't know

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Alastair Hearsum

>  Thanks Ivan
> You'll do for starters although a way of posing this question to a wider
> Maya user group would be good. The question is:
> "Are there Maya users here with direct experience of Softimage or who work
> alongside Softimage users in a larger facility who have opinions about what
> Softimage functionality they envy"
> The top 5 favourite features from our lovely Softimage list goes something
> like:
> 1) Clean elegant efficient user interface and logical workflow: enabling
> us to get things done quicker and with less pain. This so important and a
> really fundamental part of the fabric of the software.
> 2) ICE: its seamless powerful and all pervading presence; everything can
> connect to and control everything else
> 3) Render pass and partition system. It is absolutely robust and does all
> you expect. Indespensible.
> 4) Live operator stack and construction history.  Its all alive all of the
> time enabling highly complex layering of effects and processes
> 5) Animation, modelling and rigging toolsets. They are peerless.
> Alastair
>  Alastair Hearsum
>  Head of 3d
> [image: GLASSWORKS]
>  33/34 Great Pulteney Street
> London
> W1F 9NP
> +44 (0)20 7434 1182
> <>
>  Glassworks Terms and Conditions of Sale can be found at
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>  On 14/03/2014 15:13, Ivan Vasiljevic wrote:
>  Hello there.
>  @Alastair: I've starter with Maya 7-8 years ago and 4 years ago I "had"
> to switch to Softimage since I got my first job at Softimage facility back
> in the time. If there are any questions feel free to ask, here or of the
> list, I'll be pleased to answer.
>  Cheers,
> Ivan.
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Emilio Hernandez <>wrote:
>>  Hey Alastair.  It is funny you mention the sphere approach for evaluate
>> the simplicity and how intuitive a program is.
>>  The sphere model and animate from frames 1 to 100 paradigm,  is the one
>> I used when I switched from 3D Studio to Softimage 3D.
>> Without opening any manual I sat at a Softimage workstation, and I was
>> able to create a sphere, translate it to an x position at frame 1, set a
>> key and then translate it again to another position at frame 100 and set a
>> key, and playback in 5 minutes.
>>  This paradigm is something I have used from ever since to evaluate how
>> fast or slow I can start interacting with a new software, and gives me a
>> first approach of the learning curve.
>>  I am not going to comment my experience in Maya when I applied this same
>> paradigm about 10 years ago...  But the result was that I uninstalled Maya
>> from the workstations at my former studio even that the Autodesk sales rep
>> at that time, left me with Maya "open demo licenses" that had some synth
>> music when he was installing them in my computers.
>>  -------------------------------------------------------
>> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
>> 2014-03-14 8:41 GMT-06:00 Alastair Hearsum <>:
>>  Thanks
>>> The questions I wanted to pose were more along the lines of :
>>> "Are there Maya users here with direct experience of Softimage or who
>>> work alongside Softimage users in a larger facility who have opinions about
>>> what Softimage functionality they envy"
>>> The aim is to get some counterpoint from that side of the equation to
>>> use in any discussions with Autodesk.
>>> The other type of question I have is something like
>>> "I want to make a sphere and move it somewhere over time"  (as I
>>> struggle manfully with dark lord, but I'm not making them too public yet.
>>> Alastair
>>>   Alastair Hearsum
>>>  Head of 3d
>>>  [image: GLASSWORKS]
>>>  33/34 Great Pulteney Street
>>> London
>>> W1F 9NP
>>> +44 (0)20 7434 1182 <%2B44%20%280%2920%207434%201182>
>>> <>
>>>   Glassworks Terms and Conditions of Sale can be found at
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>>> your system.
>>>   On 14/03/2014 14:05, Tim Leydecker wrote:
>>> You might like to google:
>>> maya_he3d google group
>>> There´s many of the long-time Maya users there that transitioned
>>> from the old/closed listserver.
>>> The volume is quite low. For specific questions you may as well
>>> probably go ahead and ask Stefan Andersson or Matt Estela.
>>> I think Matt set it up, in case you want to subscribe.
>>> Cheers,
>>> tim
>>> On 14.03.2014 13:44, Alastair Hearsum wrote:
>>> Folks
>>> Doses anyone know the equivalent of this list for Maya users? I wanted
>>> to pose some questions to them.
>>> Alastair
>>> --
>>> Alastair Hearsum
>>> Head of 3d
>>> 33/34 Great Pulteney Street
>>> London
>>> W1F 9NP
>>> +44 (0)20 7434 1182 <%2B44%20%280%2920%207434%201182>
>>> <><>
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>>> please kindly return it to the sender
>>> and delete this message from your system.
> --
>    Ivan Vasiljevic
> -
>  Lighting TD
>  Founder, Digital Asset Tailors
> -
>  reel:
> web:
>  email:

Ivan Vasiljevic
Lighting TD
Founder, Digital Asset Tailors

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