Maybe a linkedin group  could be created. I know there are loads of them
already but one just to stand as a backup to this list.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 7:39 PM, Graham D Clark

> But Linked in is the best way I've been able to stay in touch with
> industry people, and every couple years I hire a lot if CG VFX people so
> it's been great to find people when needed via LinkedIn
> Graham D Clark, Head of Stereography, Deluxe 3D dba Stereo D
> phone: why-I-stereo
> On Mar 27, 2014, at 10:40 PM, Alok Gandhi <>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> As I see, some people are less frequent on the list these days. Some are
> leaving for good, others are not tuning in at all.
> Sooner or later, all of us will bid goodbye to each other, or the list may
> close.
> It would be awesome if we can keep in touch.
> Many of us are connected by twitter, google plus, facebook already but it
> would be great if we can have each others mail id for future.
> Kindly share you mail on this thread so that people who like to keep touch
> can keep it for records.
> Mine is:
> alokdotgandhi2002atgmaildotcom
> --

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