Hi All

This year will be the last year we will be using Softimage for our main 3d 
animation course. ;( For the shift to Maya next year for this course (and for 
our 4th year  course starting in july) our Lecturer wants to go back to using 
Mental ray as the main renderer. (not my first choice)

To that end I need to set up a render farm that will be compatible with MR in 
Softimage 2014 and Maya 2015.

Currently I Can just install the apps on render farm machines and look into 
something like royal render to wrangle that.

Alternatively I can get them to export to .MI2 files and use the standalone 
render. (This has the benefit of allowing to use Mac OSX instead of boot 

While I have had great luck taking a similar approach in Arnold using .ass 
files I have never used Mental ray standalone.

Anyone had good / bad experiences going the standalone route for mental ray?

Kind regards


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