maybe some more information as to why you need the original copy shape
operator? my next suggestion would be to make your own copy shape operator
that mimics the one in softimage. prototype it in ICE or maybe scripted op
and then port to c++?

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Tyler Fox <> wrote:

> *sigh* yeah, I was hoping to avoid the ICE tree.  I've already built it,
> and it works, but this is just one of those things that annoys the the
> absolute hell out of me. There's an operator that does exactly what you
> want already there, but for some reason, there's no way to actually use it.
> And I did some digging through the SDK explorer before I posted.
> Everything I do with ApplyOp() or ApplyOperator() gives me some kind of
> "Preset object is invalid" error. Then there's no actual preset file for
> this operator.
> Sorry, I'm just *slightly* frustrated with this.  I do realize I probably
> should have included this information in the first post :-/
> Thanks for any extra help you can provide.
> ~T.Fox
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>> i have never tried it but you might be able to re apply the 'copy shape'
>> operator. have you used the SDK explorer before? recreate the operator and
>> go to view>scripting>sdk explorer, navigate to the operator, and select it.
>> it will show you info about how the ports are connected. then you 'might'
>> be able to use ApplyOp() command with the right arguments to recreate it.
>> s
>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Tyler Fox <> wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> Hopefully this will be a quick question, and I'm just missing something
>>> easy.
>>> When we create shapeKeys, there's a preference that allows us to keep a
>>> link between the source mesh and the shapeKey.
>>> Is there a way to re-create that relational link after its been frozen
>>> out?
>>> ~T.Fox

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