Strangely enough, for me I only experience this behaviour especially in the animation editor, especially wrt to move/region tool specifically. I've only had this happen a couple of times in the XSI UI itself, and that was only after I started messing with my sticky key threshold (I usually lower it since I don't really use sticky keys, more press-and-hold) that I minimized the chances of it happening.

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 4/28/2014 8:42 PM, James De Colling wrote:
i get stuck in a tool/mode when im in the texture editor and an autosave kicks in....then the mode I am in gets "stuck" and wont come back until texture editor is closed/opened again. anyone else get that?

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Jason S < <>> wrote:

    Hi sorry for the late response, but you can easily get around that
    by manually selecting Orbit or Pan from the viewport camera menu
    to shake SI from that "frozen" state when it happens.

    On 04/25/14 14:15, todd peleg wrote:

        perhaps it has been discussed before..

        but someone please tell me why softimage changed so i have to
        constantly bang around my keyboard aimlessly to try and go
        between tools in soft...

        modes are staying active after i release the tools... like O..
        P... Z...

        i let go and they stay active...

        or i tag something.. hit v.. move it.. then i cant get out of
        translate until i bang around angrily and hit esc..

        i never had to do this before..
        what happened?!?!?!?!

        and it seems random.. sometimes it stays selected.. sometimes
        it doesnt...
        sometimes it works as a toggle.. sometimes it doesnt..

        if they dont fix this.. they should consider shutting down the
        developement of softimage.. (just a suggestion)


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