Can you explain what you need?

[] On Behalf Of Nuno Conceicao
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Softimage 2015 Alembic attach to geometry

Anyone found a way to attach an ICE alembic cache node to a frozen geometry yet 

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Nuno Conceicao 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks didn't knew it would export subframe, it wasn't so obvious to me but now 
it makes sense.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Ho Chung Nguyen 
<<>> wrote:
Caching of subframe is supported, the objects need to have property 
SimulationSettings and option Cache All Simulation Samples checked.
Pointclouds have this property by default. Polymeshes will have it if you 
create a simulated ICETree.


 On Behalf Of Ho Chung Nguyen
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: Softimage 2015 Alembic attach to geometry

Can you attach the abc file so we can look into it?

 On Behalf Of Nuno Conceicao
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Softimage 2015 Alembic attach to geometry

Weirdly enough this is the error I get if I try to connect an ICE Alembic Cache 
P:\ThirdParty\Alembic_1.5.1 Absolute paths ? Autodesk!?

# HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.9) thread 0:
#   #000: P:\ThirdParty\Alembic_1.5.1\source\contrib\hdf5-1.8.9\src\H5F.c line 
806 in H5Fis_hdf5(): unable to open file
#     major: Low-level I/O
#     minor: Unable to initialize object
#   #001: P:\ThirdParty\Alembic_1.5.1\source\contrib\hdf5-1.8.9\src\H5FD.c line 
1101 in H5FD_open(): open failed
#     major: Virtual File Layer
#     minor: Unable to initialize object
#   #002: P:\ThirdParty\Alembic_1.5.1\source\contrib\hdf5-1.8.9\src\H5FDsec2.c 
line 362 in H5FD_sec2_open(): unable to open file: name = 
'T:\120911-PIPELINETOOLS\Simulation\scene_root\cube1\', errno 
= 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0
#     major: File accessability
#     minor: Unable to open file

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Nuno Conceicao 
Just trying the Alembic new feature on SI 2015 and noticed that apparently 
there is no attach to geometry function.
Also it has no subframe functionality.
Unless there is a coding way to do it I'm a bit disappointed on this new 
feature since its limited to be used for import/export and no point cache 
workflow between animation and rendering disciplines.

<<attachment: winmail.dat>>

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