Hi Morten,

i dont think its possible to solve this in ICE, becouse you cant change the AnimationCurves....
(While tipping this i actually have a Idea....)

I found a little snipped in the Web to get the Objects COG in Global Space (https://gist.github.com/yamahigashi/9309426)
Now I just wrapped this in a little Loop, and created some PoseConstrains.

After executing the Script, you just have to
- Plot the Nulls Transforms
- Remove the RBDs Transforms
- Parent or Constrain or Envelope the RBD's to the Nulls

Hope this works.
Could'nt test this.... just some thoughts. ;-)

Am 14.05.2014 16:22, schrieb Morten Bartholdy:

I need to find a way to fix fcurves and pivots on a large number of objects (tumbling boulders) RBD simulated in Realflow (don't ask). When they come in they move correctly, but their pivots are way off from the geometry and fcurves suffer from gimbal flipping, so motionblur obviously doesn't render properly.

I was thinking it would be relatively simple to get good motiondata by piping them through ICE, calculate motionvectors for each vertex and set the data again. I guess there is a way to move the pivot of each object to its centre too, while maintaining the same motion.

It is however way beyond my ICE capabilities, so I am looking for tutorials, pointers, scripts or possibly other tools that might do the trick.



xsi = Application

"From  https://gist.github.com/yamahigashi/9309426";
def calc_cog_global_position(obj):
    ''' calculate objects cog position in global space. returns vector3 '''
    #x, y, z, b1, b2, b3 = 
    #v = XSIMath.CreateVector3(x, y, z)
    if obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry is not None:
        x = obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points
        v = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
        for p in x:
            v.Add( v, p.Position) 
        v.Scale(1.0 / x.Count, v)
        res = 
XSIMath.MapObjectPositionToWorldSpace(obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform, v)
        return res
        t = obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform
        return XSIMath.CreateVector3(t.PosX, t.PosY, t.PosZ)


# Store Sel
sel = []
for obj in xsi.Selection:

for obj in sel:
        objCOG = calc_cog_global_position(obj)
        print "Obj: " + obj.Name + " // COG: (" + str(objCOG.X) + "/" + 
str(objCOG.Y) + "/" + str(objCOG.Z) + ")"

        null = xsi.GetPrim("Null", "poseCons_" + obj.Name, "", "")
        xsi.Translate(null, objCOG.X, objCOG.Y, objCOG.Z, "siAbsolute", 
"siPivotCOG", "siObj", "siXYZ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, "")
        xsi.ApplyCns("Pose", null, obj, True)


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