Thanks for your reply gentlemen.

Here is a video of my issue with annotations.

If anyone has a proper work around for this or even an addon tool that
helps with aligning or the like please let me know.

Perhaps my work flow is incorrect for duplicating and moving multiple
items.  I was working on a wood panel wall section with molding for a
scene when I noticed this...then noticed mutliple items were now
incorrectly aligned.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Toonafish <> wrote:
> yep, I think I get the same behavior. I created 3 cubes that are aligned to
> the grid on all axis, and a single one is not. Then I select all of them,
> activate grid snap, and as soon as I translate the selected cubes in a
> single axis, the one that is not aligned snaps back to the grid and the
> others stay put.
> -Ronald
> On 6/26/2014 5:59, Patrick Neese wrote:
>> Okay so...I've read the manual, searched the list and reset my
>> preferences and tried the earlier version of 2014.
>> I have several objects that are aligned to each other.  When I select
>> them and translate them using the manipulator for all three axis, w
>> /snapping, in Global mode and COG on or a pivot point, no issues. They
>> move as one unit snapping to the CG/Pivot Point.
>> If I haven't frozen the transforms and select a single axis to
>> translate, the objects will snap initially & independently of each
>> other and then move as a unit.  I just wanted to scoot everything in a
>> single direction and keep them aligned.
>> To recreate Primitives>Polygon Mesh>Cube.
>> Repeat.
>> Offset one halfway between the grid lines in all axis.
>> Select both.
>> Press CTRL and translate with one axis handle for an axis that vary in
>> values.
>> Watch the one that was offset snap while the other stays still.
>> Freezing the objects prior to trying to translate resolves this.  I
>> can also set a parent and move that parent...neither seem like the
>> best solution.  To me this doesn't seem to be expected functionality.
>> Am I missing something? Is this expected? Has it always been like
>> this?
>> >From the manual "When COG is on, the objects preserve their positions
>> relative to each other, and their combined center of geometry snaps to
>> the target."  From that sentence in the manual I feel it is unexpected
>> behavior.
>> Patrick N.
> --
> Ronald van Vemden
> -----------------------------------------------
> 3D Graphics & Animation
> Cyberfish Laboratories |
> Toonafish |
> tel. +31(0)20 5289291
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