Wow, thank's for replying so quickly, and all questions [?]

>>The other way of working with assets is through Assemblies. They can be
> anything from a node you can use in the schematic, to a full sub-scene with
> some parameters exposed. They are quite powerful, although the workflow
> around them still has some wrinkles. They're similar to Houdini's assets.

Very nice I will take a look on that, don't know that was possible, is
there any site where I can find libraries of assemblies for Modo like
compounds for Softimage?

I'm really enjoying Modo, the customization of the interface, speed in
modeling, UV, not used yet particles and dynamics, and know that in this
part he still needs to improve, but I believe he will soon progress to what
is Softimage today .

One downside is that I see a few plugins being developed for it, don't know
if it is a more restrict to developers. I see that The Foundry plans it to
be used in more Vfx, so hopefully soon see a way to be used with Renderman
and better yet Arnold.

Thank you.

2014-08-06 18:01 GMT-03:00 Sergio Mucino <>:

> I'll do my best to help you with these...
> > On Aug 6, 2014, at 4:50 PM, Paulo Cesar Duarte <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone, I'm learning Modo and have some doubts and if anyone can
> help here goes:
> >
> > 1) How can I work with assets in Modo, Is there any format to work with,
> like the Models in XSI?
> Modo does have referencing. It was actually overhauled a lot in 801. I
> haven't used it at all, so I'm afraid that's as far as I can comment, but
> you may be able to find more info in the docs.
> The other way of working with assets is through Assemblies. They can be
> anything from a node you can use in the schematic, to a full sub-scene with
> some parameters exposed. They are quite powerful, although the workflow
> around them still has some wrinkles. They're similar to Houdini's assets.
> >
> > 2) Modo has its own format of particle and geometry cache?
> For geometry caches, Modo supports MDD caches. Particles can be cached to
> RAM or disk. The disk format is the same format Realflow uses, if I
> remember correctly. Alembic is also supported, although the implementation
> is quite limited at this point (TF decided to focus on FBX first, which
> they got for 801).
> >
> > 3) Is there a way create and work with animation clips, like in the
> animation mixer?
> Not natively at this point. Some 3rd party tools (like ACS) do have
> similar systems.
> >
> > 4) I don't see anyone using the sculpt system's, it is very limited
> compared to Zbrush? And can I paint textures in layers?
> Although not as comprehensive as Zbrush, I have used the sculpting tools
> in Modo, and have been happy with the results. I'm not a modeler though, so
> please take my comments with a grain of salt.
> The Shading Tree is built on a layer paradigm, so just create a new
> texture layer and paint away every time you need one.
> >
> > 5) In 801 I liked the shading node on the videos I saw, it is a complete
> system or is complementary to what already exists?
> It's complimentary to the Shader Tree. Both work quite nicely together,
> and the node system provides lower-level access to rendering-related
> functions that I would have expected.
> >
> > 6) Render Passes is complete and customizable or need implementations
> yet?
> I haven't used it, but I hear it's quite useful.
> >
> > 7) How many third party renders exist for Modo?
> At this point, I've only heard rumors of a VRay beta.
> >
> > I know these are many questions, but if anyone can answer some oh these
> already appreciate.
> Welcome to Modo, and ask away! I'm sure Tim and others can also offer
> valuable advice. Cheers!
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Paulo Duarte
> Sergio MuciƱo.
> Sent from my iPad.

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