Lol! Yeah I know I parethesise lots   :)

On 08/20/14 9:04, Francois Lord wrote:
Hey Jason, have you been programming in Lisp lately?
Just askin'.

On 20-Aug-14 01:05, Jason S wrote:

As mentionned, I may totally be disproven,
(especially with the all the expectation for it to be at least ICE (or more) )

And to be honest, while being fully aware that many dedicated people including yourself are working hard to make Bifrost something great,
(which is the main thing that I'm sure will make it at least very good)
I must admit that despite that, I -do- wish it would somewhat more or less 'fail' just enough for the floor to be, lets say "freed-up" (in a non-aggressive/non-invasive way) for other players also making great things to have a shot, but while not being completely bent on having the entire floor for themselves.

Cause as it stands now, it could very well be the case that good or less good, there would just not be any comparison base, or any (remaining) choices to choose from, like it can arguably be (already) the case today.
(being -clearly- not out of mere circumstance or (at-all) achieved with means that anyone (except AD) would identify as being -fair- or 'non-destructive')

And if hoping for an outcome (with diversity) is being delusional,
(which I hardly think it is)  then may that be as it may.

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