Why donĀ¹t you try the exocortex crate implementation, you can use the
trial that works on 100 frames or so.

On 2014/09/10, 5:29 PM, "Sebastian Kowalski" <l...@sekow.com> wrote:

>I am exporting some points into an alembic file from houdini to xsi and
>stumble on one issue.
>Transferring attributes works good for what you could call 'factory
>attributes' like P or v (we have to rename that to something with more
>than just one letter, cause it wont appear in xsi).
>But I also compute angular velocity (w) and couple other 'arbitrary user
>attributes', all vectors (3f). This suckers come in as single float
>value. Not even as a array of 3 values per point.
>As the same alembic file works like expected as re-import in houdini, I
>am pretty sure it is an eff up in xsi.
>Just want to make sure I am not doing something stupid.
>Anyone experience the same?
>Its with the 2015 version of xsi.

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