Maybe because the fair, neutral and very accurate assessment may have been too representative of reality (both good  and bad) for it to be good publicity.. or it may also be a server issue.

And don't know the limits of how open it is, cause it's defiantly not 'open source' software (especially not philosophy wise)
but enough for some shops to have ended up with a Maya 9.0 you wouldn't recognize, enough to not be considered Maya anymore.

But on that note, I wonder why there arent hyper customized Blender versions out there.. (maybe there are?)
being in it's entirly open form..  Maybe is there an advantage to SDK 's.. (?) in that things are made acessible but in an easier to access (or more documented) way?  Did Blender put comments in their code ? :)

On 09/10/14 17:05, Paulo Cesar Duarte wrote:
Yeah, very strange the Escape Studios page down.

I agree with Jordi, in how is  this "open" concept? When I think in "open software", came in my mind Blender open source code, and Houdini in how deep you can go in customizations and data access.

2014-09-10 17:56 GMT-03:00 Jason S <>:

Very deep SDK with almost everything accessible, can add or replace bits to any part ....

very very detailed command log that logs even the littlest things you do...

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