Hey Angus
Because we can't buy softimage any more, some of my clients don’t want to go near it for fear of not being able to make changes to a job in a few months time, or hire more people if needs be.
I therefore have to create this effect without the awesomeness that is ICE.
It is also a way to learn maya without turning to soft every time something is a pain in the ass (all the freaking time).
I really hope its not a code based solution though

On 2014-11-04 12:14 PM, Angus Davidson wrote:
And I suppose doing in SI and exporting via Alembic isn¹t an option ;)

I would be assuming python / mel script would be it.

On 2014/11/04, 11:38 AM, "Gerbrand Nel" <nagv...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey guys. I ask here because this is till where the smart friendly
people hang out.
I need to change the size of particles based on their current position.
I need to create a grid like effect, so as the particles move through
space, they scale bigger and smaller based on their position in x and y.
In ICE this is easy, not so much in MAYA.
Anyone have any ideas for me?
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