We were all hired in 1997-1998 and never worked on Softimage|3D.
Your CPU is not relevant, but you should try to have the right
compiler, so Visual C++ 6 (which there is no way to get anymore).
Saaphire is a C API so it will likely work with other compilers, but..
your own your own.  I thought you could just import the metaclay as
baked triangles and isn't there a function to convert bslines to nurbs
in the effects->convert.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Matt Lind <speye...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Probably a question for Luc-Eric, Brent, Alexandre, Marc-Andre and the other
> long time Softimage developers who were around back in the day:
> I want to write a SAAphire plugin for Softimage|3D to export my old scenes
> as XML or some other text file format I can conjure up.  Since my old data
> uses Bspline patches, meta clay, and other features not supported by the
> SI3D –> XSI importer or dotXSI file format, I need to take matters into my
> own hands by dumping as much data as possible so it can be reinterpreted in
> a modern day application.  Why am I wanting to do this?  Mostly to severe
> ties with having to maintain a computer with with Softimage|3D and older
> versions of Softimage|XSI, as well as make the data available for my
> portfolio (such as for job interviews) without having to jump through tons
> of hoops to show it off.
> I have Softimage|3D 3.9.2 and associated SDK 1.9.2 installed on a computer
> running Windows XP (Windows 2000 is available if needed).  What I don’t have
> is an old computer with Pentium III processors.  The best I can do is my
> recently retired Dell Precision Workstation 470 w dual Xeons purchased new
> in 2004.  I can run Softimage|3D successfully on that computer, but not
> mental ray 1.9 or SI|Particle.  Not sure if that’s an issue with the
> operating system or hardware.
> My question is – can I successfully compile functional SAAphire plugins on a
> modern day processor such as a Xeon?  If so, must I use MSVC++ 6.0 or can I
> use a more modern compiler?
> thanks,
> Matt

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