I don't know about everyone else but I've been learning Houdini for a
couple months now and I am totally awestruck by it despite some weak areas
that it looks like it's improving on.The flow of data through the program
is wonderful and far better than Soft.  I got comfortable quite quickly
with it.  Helps to have a few guys around that know it ;-)

You can move compounds and vex nodes all over the place with very little
transition work i.e. I'm moving a deformer sop over to a shader with just
some coordinate conversions and I can easily build interfaces and
connections with uniformity and predictability.  I'm very happy with it and
I haven't even touched the dynamics or volume tools at all.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Oscar Juarez <tridi.animei...@gmail.com>

> UX improvements seem like something much needed.
> https://vimeo.com/113441818

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