Really excellent ! works superb !
One question, how do you get the polygon color to display in the viewport ?

Le 08/01/2015 00:08, Ciaran Moloney a écrit :

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:05 PM, olivier jeannel < <>> wrote:

    I'm sorry, I don't get it.
    How do I snap back on the vertices the averaged array ?

    Le 07/01/2015 16:16, Stephen Blair a écrit :
    this is about weight maps, but it's the same idea (point to poly)

    On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 9:40 AM, olivier jeannel
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi there,

        On a regular polymesh, I created an ice tree where I set some
        colors to the point (Self.color)

        I'd like now to copy that per point color to a per polygon
        color. (Houdini equivalent to attribute promote from point to

        I'd love to have a little exemple (screenshot) or tutorial.

        I'm sure there is still some people doing some Ice modeling
        on that list ;)

        Thank you !


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