Hi Francisco,

I can´t help you much further, I´ve only spent some 10-35 hrs with UE4 sofar. Poking, mostly.

That said, you might want to check your Epic Games Launcher for the download of

"Content Examples"

It´s a bunch of very helpful levels, you may have luck finding something in the Blueprints of the:

"Animation" level

It´s a variety of examples on how to trigger/set up animations using different blueprints&approaches.



Am 16.02.2015 um 18:34 schrieb Francisco Criado:
Hi Tim and Nicolas,
thanks for responses, i had no issue exporting the animation from Softimage, found that i wasnt importing it in the correct way in UE. Also found that to make animation work on unreal it has to be loaded through animation blueprints. Already made the animation graph work, where i see my imported animation working, but still it seems i have something missing on the event graph cause when i hit play on editor, i dont see any animation happeinng :s

Thanks in advance,

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